Content is an investment of time and energy, and that investment shouldn’t go to waste. I blog about how content can better reach employees around the world, as well as the input that professional writers need from you so that you get their best work.
An overlooked ally
Works councils in Europe: an opportunity for IC You’ve worked on an initiative for weeks. Near the launch date, you’re on a planning call
Job Sharing: Will it Ever Arrive?
Amid layoffs, so-called quiet quitting, and talk of renewed personal priorities, why isn’t the concept of job sharing getting more buzz? Job sharing is an
“Thanks for having me!”
I am a regular guest on podcasts, webinars and blogs. Below is a selection. If you’d like me to contribute to any of your channels,
Shining a light on shadow localization
Independent channels for local comms are inevitable. Can we improve quality and reduce rogue messaging? We know “shadow IT” to be the technical workarounds that
The Corporate Newsroom is Dead
Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash If we’re serious about Diversity and Inclusion, we need to enable other voices I was once talking with a
Communicating COVID-19 do’s and don’ts: what we can learn (and unlearn) from H&S
As more people return to the workplace, internal communicators will no doubt be working to inform and remind people of safe and hygienic work practices.
“Build it and they will come”
A hopeful metaphor for traditional corporate content I still occasionally hear someone say, “Build it and they will come.” Wikipedia says it’s a misquote from
Rest of World tells USA: we don’t care about your bracket
In the next few days, a much-loved national basketball tournament will start in the US, and on countless conference calls originating there, the first few
Corporate goals vs. local realities
In global companies, there’s frequent tension between corporate functions and local business units. In formal communications, the corporate office may stress the company’s purpose and
Culture is local
Corporate communication departments often cite company culture, thinking it something that everyone feels. They should give that a rest. We must be careful not to
Is your company really “English only”?
This post is an adapted excerpt from my new book, Localizing Employee Communications: A Handbook (Content Wrangler/XML Press, 2020). Many companies rely on English as
Webinar: The Need for Employee-Focused Communication
Join me and the panel in this free webinar organized by Content Wrangler (recorded October 4, 2018). We discussed the challenges of reaching employees in
LocWorld Warsaw 2018
I had a great experience at my second LocWorld. I had the privilege of presenting on the pitfalls of communicating with global employees and why
Can intranets speak what users want?
It’s still relatively rare to find websites where users can choose the language, and those that offer it tend to be from large, global, commercial
Lose the lorem ipsum ASAP
Pay attention to the what of brand identity, not just the how. When companies create a brand identity, they typically go through months of iterations,
Breathing and communicating: Pros do it better
If I told a group of corporate attorneys that the wording in their NDA needed more storytelling, or a team in finance that their announcement
Where you end up is where to start
When I’m asked to edit something longer than a few paragraphs from someone who doesn’t write for a living, I can almost guarantee that the
Don’t leave your writers hanging
One type of difficult client is the one who can never be pinned down on what they want to say. In the same category is